
sex religion growth intimacy risk relationships shame: A Chat with a Pastor: photos of chicks: Recently, I had an opportunity to chat with a Lutheran pastor who also teaches 7th grade religion and 5th grade boy’s sex ed about pornography and masturbation... and chicks. Mar-07-2023

A Chat with a Pastor: photos of chicks

Recently, I sat down for a chat with a Lutheran pastor who also teaches 7th grade religion and 5th grade boy’s sex ed about pornography and masturbation... and chicks.

He approaches sex ed from a dramatically different perspective than our generation received. He starts the class by saying, “Let’s talk about porn. I know you’ve all seen it.” The class fills with blushing faces, giggles, and snickers.

This pastor went on to describe preparations for his sermon one Easter, looking for a picture of chicks.

Let’s just say he didn’t initially find the image at the top of this page.

Much of the world sees sex from a shame-based, addiction model. If you’re struggling with sex, make an appointment with us. We work from a healthy, sex-positive model that works within your religious beliefs.

Seeking help around sexual struggles is hard and can be one of the bravest things you can do for your relationship.

marriage counseling and sex therapy will improve your relationship

Chris Wilhoite MA, CST, C-PST Marriage, Relationship, and Certified Sex Therapist

Founder of Littleton Couple’s Counseling. Chris enjoys being in nature, hiking, paddle boarding, and cooking.

Read More about Chris Wilhoite MA, CST, C-PST