
ADHD relationships: My life with ADHD: ADHD is a blessing and a curse. Before I dive deeper into this I want to preface the claim I made by saying that I myself struggle with ADHD. As I was sitting down to write this I deleted the previous attempts I made because I didn’t think that they were “Good Enough.” Jun-02-2022

My life with ADHD

ADHD is a blessing and a curse. Before I dive deeper into this I want to preface the claim I made by saying that I myself struggle with ADHD. As I was sitting down to write this I deleted the previous attempts I made because I didn’t think that they were “Good Enough.”

I can come up with so many ideas, but as soon as it comes to getting the idea out of my head… Well that’s the hard part. My brain is constantly going at a bajillion miles an hour trying to get everything out all at once. I want to say so much all at once that nothing comes out, and then I forget everything I wanted to say.

This makes school a living hell sometimes. It's not that I don’t want to do my assignments, it's just so difficult to slow down enough to do them. I know what I want to say on most of my classes. I have arguments for my ideas and my thoughts at the ready, until I am asked to share. Then everything disappears, and I feel and look like an idiot.

During high school this was a massive issue for me. I couldn’t keep myself grounded enough to take the time I needed to get things done. Sitting down to do homework sucked because I couldn’t stand sitting down all day at school and then coming home to do the same thing. I would pay attention in class, and pass the tests. Wasn’t that enough?

No. No it was not.

Because I didn’t do my homework, I was failed a couple of times. I would have great grades on tests, but an F in the class. School isn’t easy for me, and I know that its not easy for other people with ADHD, too.

Please know that there are so many people out there who empathize with the struggles of neuro-divergency. I know that my inability to convey my thoughts and ideas would sometimes get between me and my girlfriend at the time. I always wanted to share with her how much I cared, how much I wanted her in my life. But sometimes I couldn’t, and it left me feeling like a bad significant other. If this sounds like you or your partner, let your therapist know.

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Spencer William Administrative Assistant

Music geek and Psychology enthusiast. Spencer was the kid in high school who couldn’t stay on task or write a paper to save his life.

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